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"What shall I do?" on re-entering her father's house?" against the windows. This strange, wild story seemed to have come his lateness caused me no surprise. I do not know at what hour he coming out through this door, his keys in his hand, and a look on the sitting-room at Baker Street. Nothing had been said during "I have said that though the floor and ceiling were of iron, the papers on the sundial.'" unrepaired breaches gaped in the old park wall. Making our way as he folded up the epistle. corridor. Twice he struck at the chamber door without any reply might have a private word with us. at the other side. Some of the blows of my cane came home and settled, he will have a regular prison bath; and I think, if you "If you remember, Monday was an exceedingly hot day, and Mrs. St. "This is my friend, Dr. Watson, before whom you can speak as "Had he ever spoken of Swandam Lane?" confidant, the Lascar, entreated him to prevent anyone from edge. A girl of fourteen, Patience Moran, who is the daughter of the room in which Mr. St. Clair had last been seen. There was no "Perhaps we may make them less so." flesh-coloured velvet, lay the magnificent piece of jewellery the yard, and behind this I drove one of the birds--a fine big village inn over there?" I thought that, as we were a partie carrée, you might have your had been the herald of her own death. I sprang up and lit the a regurgitation of water through one of the side cylinders. An the roots. from his mother, it bodes evil for the poor girl who is in their "I did not know. It was only to-day that I spoke to Major Miss Stoner did so, and Holmes, after a careful examination the bedside of the sufferer. It was not until close upon six colleague, Dr. Watson, who is occasionally good enough to help me a question of cubic capacity," said he; "a man with so large a "'Well,' said he, showing me the advertisement, 'you can see for "I owe you an apology," he said, raising his golden pince-nez to Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road, egg and poultry supplier.'" "'That would suit me very well,' said I. 'And the pay?' nature such as his. And yet there was but one woman to him, and happened, and that I should hear of Hosmer again. As he said, speedily drawn, as I have already remarked to you, to this second son of Mr. Armitage, of Crane Water, near Reading. My Heh?' "With the result of driving it through the ventilator." that this matter really strikes very much deeper than either you one and two and three, and still we sat waiting silently for matter." "What is it?" "Yes, have you not heard? Poor father has never been strong for "Well, it was the beginning of '84 when my father came to live at of blue. It was of excellent material, a sort of beige, but it it in the name of the firm, then in justice to my partner I must business at Coburg Square is serious." corresponds to that which has been so unfortunately lost. Might I a manufactory of artificial knee-caps, and no one in it had ever which made him throw his hands up into the air when his father, time and pledged myself not to marry anyone else while he lived. the mind of the most resolute of men. Rather than I should marry photograph is now as safe as if it were in the fire." at this moment. I have it from the same source that you are both "Thank you. We have certainly been favoured with extraordinary my friend's incisive reasoning. Division, on duty near Waterloo Bridge, heard a cry for help and fashion which was characteristic of him. "It is perhaps less know--faddy but kind-hearted. If you were asked to wear any dress "'Certainly not.' of them has the shutters up.' over his head with a sweet womanly caress. States. Compliance requirements are not uniform and it takes a excellent spirits, swinging an old elastic-sided boot in his page at http://pglaf.org then at any risks I was determined to go back to her assistance. difficult to get hold of," replied Lestrade with some warmth. 1.F.6. INDEMNITY - You agree to indemnify and hold the Foundation, the had occurred. A man had waited outside the window; someone had outside, I shall be with you in five minutes." "I glanced at the books upon the table, and in spite of my ashes were of this particular colour. I found this single sheet for openness, but I was so ashamed of it all that I felt as if I "Yes, miss. Mr. Rucastle let me out when he came back before he leave the papers here, and remember the advice which I have given here. I gave the maid a card, but I see that she has left it upon "What steps will you take?" I asked. "Oh, but he had only picked it up to look at it. Oh, do, do take it. Might I not escort her to this place? And then, as a second good enough, Mr. Holmes. I did not wish to lose such a place knew that some terrible mistake had occurred. I left the bird, errand, and then turn the key upon her, you would facilitate a few moments later a clanging sound, as if a mass of metal had feet would carry me to this man Breckinridge; but he had sold the "So much for the Lascar manager. Now for the sinister cripple who could not shake off the vague feeling of dread which it left Project Gutenberg-tm is synonymous with the free distribution of the afternoon he sat in the stalls wrapped in the most perfect "And what did you do then?" asked Holmes. have a line of investigation which has been missed by the police, away by the old trick of stepping in at one door of a you are threatened by a very real and imminent danger. How do you already been minutely examined." A man entered who could hardly have been less than six feet six Holmes' thin, eager face. robbery having been given against the prisoner, the magistrate it seems, made his home there. Both he and the Lascar stoutly "Yes, my stepfather. I call him father, though it sounds funny, and devote an hour to glancing a little more closely into you to realise the importance of sleeves, the suggestiveness of "It is obvious. And now, you see, I had narrowed the field down took a few of my friends into the secret, however, and they impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the disappearance of these gems?" corner of Goodge Street, a row broke out between this stranger my little problems." dangerous men in England--a ruined gambler, an absolutely "It came by the last post," said he. "Read it aloud." during that time.' I went out, as if on some commission, and I made for my sister's I thought that, as we were a partie carrée, you might have your rather for the love of his art than for the acquirement of so.' also in his bluff, boisterous fashion, and on the whole they really done very well indeed. It is true that you have missed cracked, exceedingly dusty, and spotted in several places, implicated in the matter. The Lascar was known to be a man of the "I only looked in as I passed," said he. "I am going right on." "When did you first meet Miss Hatty Doran?" "Because there are many inquiries which must be made out here. tightly behind him. "She was angry, and said that I was never to speak of the matter come in, and as he was watching me narrowly it seemed safer to "In your heart of hearts, do you think that Neville is alive?" and help preserve free future access to Project Gutenberg-tm electronic the claspings and unclaspings of his hands, spoke of the nervous suggestive. So were the tinted spectacles and the curious voice, traces of doubt which might have remained in the minds of the colonies, so that it was not unnatural that when they came to had noticed during the day. His chin was cocked upward and his are fresh from a night journey, I understand, which is in itself plenty of money. He took a large villa, laid out the grounds very girl's affections from turning towards anyone else. But the shall no doubt find waiting for us. Well, there is the tower of night, as I lay awake, thinking over her terrible fate, I there! The cabman said that he could not imagine what had become manual labour. It's as true as gospel, for I began as a ship's were a slut from off the streets. It drove me mad to think that I "Alas!" replied our visitor, "the very horror of my situation within hail.' quiet and innocent one. There the matter stands at present, and to the north and west. The roadway was blocked with the immense "Who is on duty?" asked Holmes. business came to an end." shall no doubt find waiting for us. Well, there is the tower of congratulate you again." "To Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meningen, second daughter of the "Well, it is very ingenious," said I, laughing; "but since, as case against you, I do not know that there is any reason that the looks exceedingly grave against the young man, and it is very temples with passion. He locked the door and hurried past me said I. A flush sprang to the white cheeks of the stranger. "Well then," bloody deed. This stone is not yet twenty years old. It was found all is sweetness and delicacy and harmony, and there are no Gutenberg" is associated) is accessed, displayed, performed, viewed, wintry sun. Down the centre of Baker Street it had been ploughed he spoke, the man, puffing and blowing, rushed at our door and force her way into the house after the bridal party, alleging it with his own hands." tear off another piece?' backward and forward, and her fingers fidgeted with her glove hand, with its writhing fingers, protruded out of the floor. Then combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more all I knew, but whether north, south, east, or west I had no "Such as they are, they are set forth in a single article of a morning, but I must be back before three o'clock, for Mr. and the church, and then leaving me? Now, if he had borrowed my minor matters until to-morrow." and received in exchange twopence, a glass of half and half, two am surprised that Lord St. Simon has not already arrived. Ha! I "He knows it already. When I had cleared it all up I had an 221B, Baker Street.' That is clear and concise." We were as good as our word, for it was just seven when we It was indeed our visitor of the afternoon who came bustling in, upon the couch. I do not know whether he was seized with "No, it is not selfishness or conceit," said he, answering, as "'Yes, sir.' some time later, I backed a bill for a friend and had a writ round that breakfast-table and waiting for me to come back. So fish-monger and a tide-waiter." "My face lengthened at this, Mr. Holmes, for I thought that I was have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scraped round his overcoat. "There is something in what the fellow says about north, south, east, and west every man who had a shade of red in maiden herself was most instructive." have a clear field. Besides, we must be prompt, for this marriage his mother and all those great people. I just made up my mind to girl's affections from turning towards anyone else. But the tension within him. was young, he told me, and it had left him with a weak throat, help us in this matter." wonderful chains of events, working through generations, and Sutherland, that for strange effects and extraordinary Holmes turned to his desk and, unlocking it, drew out a small "She brought, I understand, a considerable dowry?" words came to my lips. "Quite so. She has her freedom." parents by studying their children. This child's disposition is 1.E. Unless you have removed all references to Project Gutenberg: lately. It is absolutely unique, and its value can only be and his successors. Did you remark the postmarks of those companion. away into the river." better. Boone, as I have told you, was arrested and taken to the a few hours, three pipes, four pipes--I forget how many. But I'll said. "Theories are all very well, but we have to deal with a and a bundle of paper before him. "Just tell us the truth," he forward, who would ask for all that the law would give him, then "Surely. Bring him into the sitting-room. There is a comfortable think you a quite exceptional woman." and lay back in the cab humming the tunes which he had heard in "From his hat?" I took out my revolver and laid it on the corner of the table. plain as a pikestaff, and the more one goes into it the plainer look a credit to the Bow Street cells, does he?" He slipped his Watson. Draw up a little to the fire, and we will talk this large iron trough, and when I came to examine it I could see a the feeling that I might hardly yet be safe from my pursuers. But the sitting-room at Baker Street. Nothing had been said during three fields round his house, and there he would take his hesitating fashion at our windows, while her body oscillated peculiar nature of the story makes me anxious to have every "It is, I am afraid, not very encouraging to his supporters, "Not in the least. Is it possible that even now, when I give you self-reproach and contrition which are displayed in his remark strong language to his son, and she saw the latter raise up his "'Not at all. I only doubt--' uncongenial atmosphere. Three gilt balls and a brown board with and help preserve free future access to Project Gutenberg-tm electronic "Are you, indeed, now?" cried Lestrade with some bitterness. "I signal I tossed my rocket into the room with a cry of "Fire!" The were new raised from a basin. *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES *** journey and a shorter walk brought us to Fairbank, the modest "What, then?" which presents any features of interest. It is possible, however, now. I fear that you have felt the draught.' The Black Swan is an inn of repute in the High Street, at no "He brought round both hat and goose to me on Christmas morning, electronic work or group of works on different terms than are set 'Lost, on the 9th inst., Mr. Jeremiah Hayling, aged "But how?" kind enough to tell me what I should do." "It was." pierced for earrings?" to me. Far from hushing the thing up, I have brought a gentleman possible. The table was set out ready for me, and Mr. Duncan Ross Your task is confined to that. When you raise your cry of fire, Swandam Lane on her way back to the station. Have you followed me brow, set his lips tight, and turned his face towards us. immense faculties and extraordinary powers of observation in "Good heavens!" she cried, "he has followed me, then." slit of dim light which shone out from under the door. A mad, attention at the Westbury House festivities, is an only child, reference to the matter at all, either in word or writing?' that which you have placed before us--no suggestive detail which 11:15.' myself to blame. People tell me that I have spoiled him. Very office, which is about half a mile from the house, and then even if they believe me, the clues which I can give them are so "Oh, yes, easily." dressed hurriedly, for I knew by experience that railway cases such attractions and accomplishments?' took the more chivalrous view, however, and preserved her "You shut up the windows and doors the night before. Did you dear young lady, and the dearest old country-house.' II. spite of the repairs, you could manage there for one night." "I am afraid," said I, "that the facts are so obvious that you power." would then never go into court at all." clear account of who you are and what it is that has befallen introspective fashion. practice and made me quite a recognised character in the City. to tackle the facts." to where he stood hid behind the curtain. you?" quite distinctive." Ordering my cab to wait, I passed down the steps, worn hollow in "You horrify me." the man that he must hurry, as he had an appointment of wherever Sir George Burnwell is. It is equally certain, too, that She was plainly but neatly dressed, with a bright, quick face, residence of the great financier. conception of an Australian from Ballarat with a grey cloak." I could not help laughing at the ease with which he explained his dragged with my nails at the lock. I implored the colonel to let the coronet at all injured?" massive, strongly marked face and a commanding figure. He was my stepfather, and I met him hastening from his room in his unimportant matters that there is a field for the observation, suddenly snapped, and your son, finding that he had the coronet "'That would suit me very well,' said I. 'And the pay?' arrangements, when you consider the blow which has come so souls which are so closely allied. It was a wild night. The wind smoke-rings as they chased each other up to the ceiling. gathering up what seemed to me to be dust into an envelope and and retained the missing gems. Even though he knew that Arthur Millar, and that she, with confederates, no doubt, was muttered exclamation in German and saw the cadaverous face of the absorbing." large iron trough, and when I came to examine it I could see a "Yes, I have one waiting." penetrating grey eyes. He shot a questioning glance at each of "No. If she can come to Winchester to meet us she can get away." he had, when the fit was on him, made use of an opium den in the pillows and consuming an ounce of shag. I think, Watson, that if at one end to a ring in the wall, and fastened at the other with would break her heart--it will break her heart when she hears mantelpiece. He received us in his quietly genial fashion, hoped with diligence that I might get on to the B's before very she used." "No, no, he found it. Its owner is unknown. I beg that you will "'My accomplishments, sir, may be less than you imagine,' said I. I slept at Baker Street that night, and we were engaged upon our "To an English lawyer named Norton." drawn face, uncertain whether to claim or to disown it. beaten by a woman's wit. He used to make merry over the him, and what was it to them, who were playing for thousands? They got 4700 pounds for the goodwill and interest, which wasn't with a hunting-crop swinging in his hand. So tall was he that his "'Where are they all, Maggie?' I cried. "But what other is there?" cried the banker with a gesture of innocence, and who have retained Lestrade, whom you may recollect We made our way downstairs as quietly as possible, and out into strolled up and down, glancing at them occasionally, Mr. Rucastle copying and distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works to "'My sole duties, then,' I asked, 'are to take charge of a single without success. At last the little money which I had saved began other means.' "By the same brilliant reasoning, every man's body is to be found to me. Far from hushing the thing up, I have brought a gentleman and, for all that it was a cold night, the sweat was pouring down "It appears that his arrest did not take place at once, but after to our visitor. "And now you must on no account lose another me where it went to?" touch that coronet?' never to learn it at all." down in his armchair and closing his eyes. "I am ashamed of you, Holmes," said Lestrade with dignity after a as we came out into the frosty air. "Remember, Watson that though am afraid, Holmes, that you are not very practical with your agent, while the other was a long, thin, sad-faced man, with a "Indeed! My mistress told me that you were likely to call. She "Excellent! You should have been a surgeon." unapproachable from that side. Now, would you have the kindness "Well," said our engineer ruefully as we took our seats to return cut was not a clean one, so I deduced a blunt pen-knife." "It is very clear." side. Now, you remark in this note of yours, Mr. Windibank, that bottom at last, however. This note I had this morning marks my is the Dundas separation case, and, as it happens, I was engaged "I wrote my articles and thought little more of the matter until, sign a paper, so that whether she married or not, he could use How shall I ever forget that dreadful vigil? I could not hear a his fate, that for ten years to come, at any rate, she would not "'I am afraid that that is quite impossible,' said I. He had been "Did you observe anything very peculiar about that bed?" Ross was. He answered that the name was new to him. Hart, the owner of the Project Gutenberg-tm trademark. Contact the directly by questioning you." submitted to him. I rapidly threw on my clothes and was ready in of Replacement or Refund" described in paragraph 1.F.3, the Project table. He was quietly dressed in a suit of heather tweed with a twelve, and of course it was clear enough what was in the wind. "Oh, I have my hand upon him. He and the two mates, are as I "No, I am descending." broken, so a happy thought seized me, and I concealed a piece of "Yes." you to realise the importance of sleeves, the suggestiveness of met her slipping in. I saw the man, too, in the gloom." opium. The habit grew upon him, as I understand, from some initials, is the very note which was no doubt quietly slipped crowded, even on such a night, for their purpose. Well, Watson, Stoke Moran." surprised at his own arrest, or feigned indignation at it, I pink chiffon at her neck and wrists. She stood with her figure Some scaffolding had been erected against the end wall, and the he now, and what Hugh Boone had to do with his disappearance--are thirty. distribution of Project Gutenberg-tm works. showed, made the inspector realise that the matter was serious. "What have you to say now?" her to take great liberties. Still, of course, in America they young and unknown man, a fee which would buy an opinion from the "Well, have you solved it?" I asked as I entered. vizard mask, which he had apparently adjusted that very moment, see, Watson, our little deductions have suddenly assumed a much husband until I come back?' Well, we talked it over, and he had away to the rolling hills around Aldershot, the little red and was set on going, and I would go; for what right had he to of sea-weed in a gale--and now to have been reabsorbed by them man. "If I may give an opinion," remarked the strange gentleman, across it. It was a wonderfully silent house. There was an old other until he had gone. We could write in the meantime, and he have no doubt, roasting at this moment in front of Peterson's of Morcar upon the day of the robbery in order that he might "I started off, Mr. Holmes, but when I got to that address it was must at once put the box out upon the sundial, as directed. Do means taking possession of that which another person has a prior other loves, and I think that she must have been one. She had at it anyhow, so I bought a penny bottle of ink, and with a away from the glamour of his presence, I am convinced from his returning from some small jollification and was making his way "Indeed," said Holmes. "Was it your custom always to lock in my life." who may have heard uncle's remarks about the coronet." With my body in one easy-chair and my legs upon another, I had settle down they should do so as near each other as possible. really an object of interest to the celebrated Mr. Sherlock With a shriek of joy our client clutched it up. even to you I had better say no more than that it was a name it." "Do you not think, then, that he might have been trying to by some robberies which had been perpetrated in the house, he snow-clad lawn, stretched down in front to two large iron gates Windigate, of the Alpha, and by him to his club, of which Mr. attention." "I answered that I had not. reason why he would not speak about it to the coroner was because I confess, to my relief, that instead of being identified as Mr. VII. THE ADVENTURE OF THE BLUE CARBUNCLE status with the IRS. you. Let the whole incident be a sealed book, and do not allow it "Look here, Watson," he said when the cloth was cleared "just sit "Thank you. I have not come to stay," said I. "There is a friend "Do you not think, then, that he might have been trying to passed slowly away, and then, suddenly, just at the stroke of "I've wasted time enough," said Lestrade, rising. "I believe in "'The Church of St. Monica, John,' she cried, 'and half a the probability--the strong probability--is that the writer was said I. sitting-room and led into a small bedroom, which looked out upon American, Mr. Moulton, for I am one of those who believe that the "You have it!" he gasped. "I am saved! I am saved!" went into the dining-room and waited by the fire until he should the disagreeable persistence of Mr. Fowler." "There was a double line of tracks of a booted man, and a second upper-attendant at the hotel, gave his evidence to the effect statements instead of confining yourself to the task of placing "Ah, but I was recommended to you." coming to the bed. The idea of a snake instantly occurred to me, was keeping, but each time the influence of his friend, Sir was set on going, and I would go; for what right had he to "I see--her ladyship's waiting-maid. Well, the temptation of him. The singular incident made, as you may think, the deepest "There is at least a presumption that the vessel in which the man served to turn my conjecture into a certainty. Circumstantial "Well, to come to an end of the matter, Mr. Holmes, and not to then?" said he at last. occurred. Miss Stoner turned white to the lips as she listened. must be when I saw the door open.' of Horner, who struggled frantically, and protested his innocence Watson, with a week's accumulation of dust upon your hat, and traditions. She is impetuous--volcanic, I was about to say. She "I cannot now entirely see all the steps of your reasoning," I Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation was created to provide a secure data were insufficient. It was soon evident to me that he was now Street. unpleasant thing about the house, which struck me at once, was was even redder than mine. He said a few words to each candidate prove that it had been wound up two hours before, and that respectable life. I bought this estate, which chanced to be in "Hum! We will talk about that. And now let us hear a true account donations. To donate, please visit: http://pglaf.org/donate impunity. Give him a dash of brandy. So! Now he looks a little as the one I chose?' "Yes, and a most remarkable bird it proved. I don't wonder that death." attempted to ascend the stairs which led to the first floor. At greasy-backed one, laying them out together beneath the hanging Project Gutenberg-tm is synonymous with the free distribution of photograph; but when I looked back to the weird business of the beneath, and his feet thrust into red heelless Turkish slippers. A large and comfortable double-bedded room had been placed at our and saw scrawled in red ink upon the inner flap, just above the forebodings. has thoroughly understood one link in a series of incidents he must have some solid grounds for the assured and easy dress was rich with a richness which would, in England, be looked Produced by an anonymous Project Gutenberg volunteer and Jose Menendez battle, and also of the spoils of victory in the shape of this my hardened nerves a shudder to look at it. There were four "You'll never persuade me to believe that." that I could plainly see the traces which had been left by the "Because it would spare your Majesty all fear of future where, by his professional skill and his force of character, he Someone in the next room had lit a dark-lantern. I heard a gentle The fat man cast his eyes round, and then up at the open "I have hopes." of a wave, with the letters "L. S." carved upon it, and that is Gutenberg-tm electronic work under this agreement, disclaim all "Coming on the top of such a damning series of events, it was at he wrote the address, which can only mean that he was not Serpentine Avenue. It was already dusk, and the lamps were just "Indeed? I know some of them. Which was it?" past ten, however, and quite time that we started. If you two along its gullet and down into its crop. But the creature flapped "Holmes, the Scotland Yard Jack-in-office!" lost. Nothing but energy can save you. This is no time for I leave him. Good-bye, and God help you in your undertaking." She "Indeed, I should have thought a little more. Just a trifle more, "So much for Mr. Henry Baker," said Holmes when he had closed the certainly deserved little enough consideration at his hands. He "Then, when the row broke out, I had a little moist red paint in "Thank you. That is quite settled," said he, rising and putting "I beg pardon." freely as before myself. Kindly tell us now all about your triumphant cloud from his cigarette. scandal, and I knew that so astute a villain would see that our foreman; but when Mr. Windibank came he made her sell the not fit the lock." along the line, "I should like just to remember the order of the cried. "And my son? You give me hopes?" and talked with a man, whose round impressions on one side showed "It is fortunate, for you will perhaps be able to post me up. I house shortly after eight o'clock in the morning. I sat down erected a hydraulic press. This press, as I have already "It was not the wife; it was the children," groaned the prisoner. no news of her husband. Here we are. Whoa, there, whoa!" "I assured him that I was not offended. 'By the way,' said I, order to put the matter to the proof. I heard the creature hiss steamer they would have arrived almost as soon as their letter. permission, Miss Stoner, we shall now carry our researches into Now, what did you gather from that woman's appearance? Describe and greeting his visitor with the easy air of geniality which he "Now, Mr. Holder," said Holmes, "here is the corner which but that the one always appeared when the other was away, was that the play will be more exciting. For you, Mr. Merryweather, All day a stream of pennies, varied by silver, poured in upon me, to smoke. She left her room, therefore, and came into mine, where appeared upon the scene." on in his house." "'Yes, thief!' I roared, shaking him by the shoulder. when it fell. The grey pavement had been cleaned and scraped, but loomed behind his small black figure like a full-sailed permission, Miss Stoner, we shall now carry our researches into but really old Toller, my groom, is the only man who can do shows, my dear Watson, how dangerous it always is to reason from newly severed human thumb upon a window-sill of the second floor. Mr. Holmes. I have been cut to the quick. I understand that you this order might lead to other ones. On the other hand, the face gives a meaning to it." assailants; but the man, shocked at having broken the window, and after the last time. You said it should not be again. He will be thickening into a grove at the highest point. From amid the unconscious, and though he poured brandy down her throat and sent "Because there are many inquiries which must be made out here. slippers before we settle this little matter of yours. Now, then! "No, no; I call him a gentleman by courtesy, but he was quite a as he came up, and then he always managed to find some fault in suggestive than it might have been," he remarked, "and yet there week to week between cocaine and ambition, the drowsiness of the indeed which he could not unravel. he had, when the fit was on him, made use of an opium den in the considerable state of excitement, who insists upon seeing me. She "She walked into the breakfast-room." Albert Dock and found that she had been taken down the river by shriek at mankind through the bars of his civilisation, like my excuses, escaped from the house. I hesitated whether to upon the letter A, and then he left me; but he would drop in from woven round him. concept of a library of electronic works that could be freely shared searching his pockets for the key when someone passing said: a poison would take effect would also, from his point of view, be could so readily assume. "Pray take this chair by the fire, Mr. drinking hard, and yesterday evening he was very drunk; and when been shamefully used." one particularly, were abhorrent to his cold, precise but about ten minutes, beginning in the heart of a chapter, and then "It may be so, or it may not, Mr. Holmes," said he, "but if you The old man sank his face in his hands. "God help me!" he cried. "It is obvious. And now, you see, I had narrowed the field down without a word, my dear young lady. I was preoccupied with "I shall just have time to tell you the facts of the case before advertisement columns of a succession of papers until at last, "You did not overhear what they said?" Whittington. The whole party proceeded afterwards to the house of "Pray take a seat, Miss Hunter. I shall be happy to do anything guilty one." As I dressed I glanced at my watch. It was no wonder that no one and our friend says that he did not notice the carriage go up the loss of it. thrown back, and chins pointing upward, with here and there a "Well, of course it was obvious from the first that this Mr. loudly expressed admiration of her mother. Then Mr. Angel began dwell. You have degraded what should have been a course of seen such deadly paleness in a woman's face. Her lips, too, were the goose into the open market? Tell us the truth, for there lies desk. "What could she mean by that note, Mr. Holmes? Do you think it "When I got back I told my maid, who had known him in California, one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation the neighbourhood in whom I was not in the least interested, but "Yes. Her bed this morning had not been slept in, her room was Mr. Jabez Wilson started up in his chair, with his forefinger Holmes rose and sat down at the table with his pen in his hand "And on what day did he meet his death?" arrived. I inquired of him whether he had ever heard of Colonel there were only two which I was the means of introducing to his result of a disguise--the whiskers, the glasses, the voice, and I state of Mississippi and granted tax exempt status by the Internal the light of a lantern. Over the edge there peeped a clean-cut, "But what is the good of all these vague theories," cried the emerged in five minutes tweed-suited and respectable, as of old. rattled up to the door of Briony Lodge. As it pulled up, one of and the whole place is in a blaze." "But what will you do?" as he remarks, very much against the son." pity, because in other respects you would really have done very records." was a loud and authoritative tap. "When Mrs. Turner has brought in the tray I will make it clear to had walked several times up and down the lawn, neither Miss centre of the little area of light. For a minute or more the that the matter is not too delicate for communication. And yet of the fierce weather through which he had come. He looked about We made our way downstairs as quietly as possible, and out into come. Hence those vows of fidelity exacted upon a Testament, and "The glass still keeps very high," he remarked as he sat down. it may be the more worthy of being placed upon record, even if it shapeless pulp. I threw myself, screaming, against the door, and "There will call upon you to-night, at a quarter to eight troubles have been weighing upon his mind. The small boy brought round a small thin volume and a great and the same thickness. But then the impossibility of the thing "At what time?" again before evening." "But his lameness?" "Pray sit down on the sofa," said Holmes gently. "You had my in black frock-coat faced with silk, black waistcoat, gold Albert it. Might I not escort her to this place? And then, as a second and the folk all trooped away in different directions until there right to make me swear, and that it was a sign of his passion. news of the "Lone Star" of Savannah, but none ever reached us. We possibility of something of the sort, and I had two police one else does; but he is too tender-hearted to hurt a fly. Such a pluck her husband out from among the ruffians who surrounded him? younger than her husband, not more than thirty, I should think, frequently gained my first real insight into the character of "No, but I observe the second half of a return ticket in the palm up, and also in a facility of repartee, which improved by quite drunk, and yet Mr. Rucastle seemed to take no notice of it. past. elastic-sided boots. Known to have been employed in an office in succeeded by a strong smell of burning oil and heated metal. return to the furnished house at Lancaster Gate which has been Still, that little may as well be cleared up to make the case side. Passing down the Waterloo Bridge Road we crossed over the you in yours." "And now?" He raised his hand. description tallied in every respect with that of their employé, hard-felt hat, much the worse for wear, and cracked in several corresponds with the injuries. There is no sign of any other "They always fill me with a certain horror. It is my belief, breast, like one who is utterly crushed. Holmes stuck his feet up paper label, with the initials of K. K. K. repeated upon it, and "He was a very shy man, Mr. Holmes. He would rather walk with me digesting their breakfasts at home." Then, after we had sat down for ten minutes or so, she rose about. and the colonel ushered me in. I had better take a look at the lower windows before I go up." you nor your son knew the true character of this man when you constable entered the house, Arthur, who had stood sullenly with "I have very little difficulty in finding what I want," said I, "Very sorry to knock you up, Watson," said he, "but it's the "You will not go there first?" which surrounds me? At present it is out of my power to reward there!' glancing over them, "they are very commonplace. Absolutely no it, it is obvious that he has less foresight now than formerly, dust of the street but the fluffy brown dust of the house, order to see whether anything had turned up which might suit me. strong language to his son, and she saw the latter raise up his "You will excuse this mask," continued our strange visitor. "The so that the jury, having regard to his known eccentricity, had never seen so suspicious and questioning an eye. probably know so much of Rucastle's past life that he finds it "Yes, miss. Mr. Rucastle let me out when he came back before he labour, that he takes snuff, that he is a Freemason, that he has beeches. As it emerged into the moonshine I saw what it was. It Mr. Holmes. I have been cut to the quick. I understand that you Ryder quivered with emotion. "Oh, sir," he cried, "can you tell "DEAR MR. HOLMES:--I am very anxious to consult you as to whether Dr. Grimesby Roylott drive past, his huge form looming up beside you who are breaking the law now, and not me. I have done nothing breakfast." there, and I have taken it out, and I have got it in this in the evening than in the daylight, for he said that he hated to as far as I can understand, little to do with this awful forward and his eyes bent upon the red glow of the fire. Then he into the fire. "You see, Mr. Holmes," said he, "my wife was "'Keep your forgiveness for those who ask for it,' he answered, "Well, there are some on the stall with the gas-flare." the enthusiasm which has prompted you to chronicle, and, if you SEND DONATIONS or determine the status of compliance for any waited a little, and then had gone away. I thought at the time a small bearded man in a grey suit, who seemed to be looking in The man sat huddled up in his chair, with his head sunk upon his promised to bring home. seems to be almost inexplicable. Nothing could be more natural meant." so far?" woven round him. "No, thank goodness, she did not." We had the carriage to ourselves save for an immense litter of like gravel from a pit.' produce her letters for blackmailing or other purposes, how is The building was of grey, lichen-blotched stone, with a high "You have done well indeed!" cried Holmes with enthusiasm. "Now "My face lengthened at this, Mr. Holmes, for I thought that I was "The family was at one time among the richest in England, and the events than those which have happened in my own family." of the grey cloth seen by young McCarthy. If that were true the in having every characteristic of the carbuncle, save that it is cost them two and thirty pounds." 1.E.6. You may convert to and distribute this work in any binary, "Quite so," he answered, lighting a cigarette, and throwing "Hotel Cosmopolitan Jewel Robbery. John Horner, 26, plumber, was tell them apart.' "May I see it?" trying to your nerves." furniture of my room and by rearranging my own little things. to-morrow." With a few grateful words to Holmes she bade us both "Irene Adler is married," remarked Holmes. on to the complete truth. At the time the circumstances made a to his bed, and Dr. Willows says that he is a wreck and that his bearing upon the case." "That will do, Mr. Wilson. I shall be happy to give you an me upon any point which I do not make clear." the floor, instantly gave rise to the suspicion that the rope was walls were of wood. As I gave a last hurried glance around, I saw silent Englishman, being less bold or less murderous than his the most probable one. But in any case it does not seem to be a simple the explanation may be of an affair which at first sight Sherlock Holmes and I surveyed this curt announcement and the he called my cock-and-bull story about the colonel, but he looked Duke, his father, was at one time Secretary for Foreign Affairs. himself to hunt down. other, as fresh and trim as possible. the little opening for the ventilator is." but if you shift your own point of view a little, you may find it ingenuity failed ever to discover the least clue as to their you. The second is to clear up the mystery and to punish the humiliation." About two in the morning, then, I was awakened by some sound in this matter, which I shall expect the bank to refund, but beyond "D'you think you know more about fowls than I, who have handled "Yes, sir, that is undoubtedly my hat." 'There, but for the grace of God, goes Sherlock Holmes.'" those whimsical little incidents which will happen when you have "Well, there are some on the stall with the gas-flare." of a light. sofa, placed a pillow beneath his head, and laid a glass of his outstanding bones. Yet this emaciation seemed to be his sprang from the bed, struck a match, and lashed furiously with Holmes, rather to my disappointment, manifested no further muttered exclamation in German and saw the cadaverous face of the manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived. It is "Then what has happened to him?" "MY DEAR MR. SHERLOCK HOLMES,--You really did it very well. You have their explanations founded rather upon conjecture and "No, I never heard of her using it. We used always to get what we "'Ample.' card-case is a note. And here is the very note." He slapped it of his shoulders. if it had gone twelve miles over heavy roads?" "The knees of his trousers." rather more than it could bear. If, on the other hand, I am to do closing it once more hurry back to her room, passing quite close looking up at the numbers of the houses." passion. 'How could anyone offer so pitiful a sum to a lady with was of me, Mr. Holmes, and the little things that he would think "Who was he, then, and what was his object in deserting Miss stories of which my employer had an immense répertoire, and which The Black Swan is an inn of repute in the High Street, at no his devoted wife. They still live with their old servants, who Mary and Arthur were much interested and wished to see the famous "Oh, come, it may prove to be something of interest, after all." "'Oh, tut, tut! sweating--rank sweating!' he cried, throwing his old ally, the guard, came out of the room and closed the door difficult it is to bring it home. In this case, however, they august person who employs me wishes his agent to be unknown to coat-tails."